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Characteristics and precautions of electronic forklift scale

The characteristics of forklift scale can be divided into four words “ Quick convenience ” ; Quick means quick operation. In the process of moving the goods, as long as your finger gently presses the handle, the weight of the goods will be displayed immediately. Save time, forklift scale in the process of handling direct weighing, eliminating many tedious steps, compared with the traditional weighing tools, not only save material resources, but also save manpower; This kind of forklift scale is both a mobile forklift and a weighing tool. It's also inexpensive, and I think it's really practical for a lot of customers; Therefore, it is easy to use. This kind of forklift scale can be used continuously for hundreds of hours by charging once, and can continue to work without power in many special cases. The characteristics of the forklift scale is introduced, so what should we pay attention to when using the forklift scale? Please see small make up to you to sort out the following points.
        First: before using the forklift scale to work, we should check its start, movement and display. After work, we should use water to cool its working parts to prevent them from being damaged by excessive temperature.
         Second: before driving the forklift scale, we should look around to see if there is any obstacle objects, in order to avoid collision in the driving.
         Third: when plugging in the goods, to adjust the distance between the two fork, do not let the goods skew to the weighing impact.
          Fourth: when moving the goods, do not lift the fork too high, block the operator's line of sight, but also pay attention to not collision with other objects in the drive.

Pre: A weighing cell for an electronic scale

NEXT: The use of direct vision electronic crane scale cleaning wor


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